Ich - Me - Moi !

Ich - Me - Moi !

mercredi 29 décembre 2010


On a rainy day after Christmas I left the village of Franz Joseph to take a bus to Christchurch.
Thanks to a shop from a chinese market in Sydney, I even had an umbrella. It became very handy and I was considering to take a rental fee for its use as other people were asking for it...

Leaving Franz Joseph in the middle of the pouring rain. But as you can see, I am prepared !!!

Kea, waiting at the terrace of a restaurant on top of the Arthurs' Pass... nothing else to take pictures of as it is still raining...

... and don't feed the Kea !!!
After heavy rains, I arrived in Christchurch and learned that one of the bridges that I had crossed, had been swept away by too much water. I was lucky to get over it, otherwise I would have had to wait on the other side....
... arrived in Christchurch, I learned that it had again an earthquake one day before my arrival. The damage was not yet known, but nobody was hurt. I went to some couchsurfers, Peter ans Ali. I stayed with them for 2 nights. The first evening, Peter took me up on the hills around Christchurch to have a great view at the surroundings:

I have to look up the name of this bay,...

This is the same bay...

Christchurch, seen from above and far away !

Evening sun above Christchurch

The next day, it was raining. Peter and Ali took me to a museum with an exhibition of the artist Ron Mueck. He had some interesting sculptures, very detailed. Have a look yourself:

The wild man !
... and with some visitors to give you the notion of size...
"In Bed"

.... as if those two were communicating...

Not all the public buildings were open. Some were still taped off, as they hadn't been verified by the experts yet about damage from the earthquake.

I had a great time with Ali and Peter in Christchurch even though I didn't get to feel any of the promised after-shocks from the earthquake. Peter, being a science teacher, explained a lot to me about the earthquakes and how the city and the country deal with it. Since the risk is known for long, there are funds that exist to pay the damage that had been done by the September earthquake (roads, replacing broken sewer pipes...). From what he told me and the few I could see, they have been very efficient about cleaning up and getting normal life back.
Still, in the city center there are gaps in the rows of houses, where damaged buildings have been taken away for new constructions. As this concerned also a lot of shops, the shopping habits of the people have changed: The density of shops is lower, so it is less attractive....

vendredi 24 décembre 2010

Christmas at Franz Joseph Glacier

The glacier can be seen from the town, if it is not hiding behind the clouds.

On Christmas eve, we went for a walk in the forest at night. The information was, that you could see glow worms at night on this path. And glow worms we did see ! I just can't get them with my little camera and my little photographic skills, so you just get a picture of the path...

Coming back to the hostel, I found my dorm filled with candle light. Mili and Fabian were having a little private Christmas party and I got invited. This was my first Christmas with cherries on the menu ! And I got my only Christmas present this year: a little bag of salt ! Always handy, when you travel !

Fabian making English breakfast for his girl friend Mili. As I was there, I got a treat too. Thank you !!

On chistmas day, I wanted to do something, but most of the activities were not open. So I arranged with a local kayak guide to get out on a lake: Lake Mapourica (or something similar..). With a newlywed Indian couple, we went on the other side of the lake and into a small river. The water was still and reflections were great... just the sun was missing.
... on the little river...

...more impressions...

...upside down??
The next day, I went on the Franz Joseph Glacier. Of course with a tour, you are not allowed without and I don't have the gear anyway.
Just the proof that I have been on the glacier !

The rain from the days before Christmas has washed the glacier clean... can you see it ??

And this is where the glacier ha been a hundred years ago: all this was full of ice then !

You remember the blue penguins from the Catlins? On the glacier, I found a different species...

Ice hole

Walking through this was always with the same foot in front...

...more penguins...

Scale is getting lost: this was only about 40cm wide...

mardi 21 décembre 2010

Queenstown and Glenorchy

From Te anau, I took a bus to Queenstown and then 50km further on to Glenorchy. This is supposed to be a lovely place with part of it called " Paradise". Parts of Lord of the Rings'  film has been shot here, but the landscape seemed to be on holidays too...

Glenorchy and the famous mountains in the background.... After a day and a night in the rain and no single ray of sunshine in sight, I decided to flee the place, but I mussed the bus.
Salvation appeared in the shape of 4 German angels with an already full car. somehow, me and my stuff still fit in there and they took me back to Queenstown....

...where I was actually back in the sunshine. You can still imagine the clouds and rain on the right behind the mountain above Glenorchy...

I didn't really plan to stay in Queenstown, bit I did it anyway for an extra day just to sit in the sun. The town is a place that you either love, or you don't like it too much. I am of the latter opinion and was happy to get from this too touristy place. Another bus brought me to the West coast to the Franz Joseph Glacier...

West Coast

I got a new hair cut. Do you like it??

dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Te Anau: Glowworms and kayaking in Doubtful Sound

Lake Te Anau, nice welcome when I arrived here. It felt good to come here.

Doubtful Sound: two peaceful days on the water await me... and a lot of sand flies...
One of the hundreds of waterfalls in doubtful sound. Since it is raining a lot there, there is plenty of water.

Coffee and tea (and pee) pause.

Have a cup of tea !!
More paddling ...

... and of course we get some rain... and some more rain... but it was ok, our gear was warm enough.

jeudi 16 décembre 2010

Dunedin et Otago Peninsula

Juste avant Dunedin, il y a une zone marecageuse. Afin de limiter la croissance de certaines plantes introduites par les colons, ils utilisent l'herbicide Roundup. Une bonne solution?

Tunnel beach

Profiter du soleil...

Afin d'acceder a cette plage, un riche marchand (?) a fait creuser un tunnel. C'est pour ca qu'il s'appelle Tunnel Beach.

La gardienne du tunnel...

Et enfin sur la plage meme ...

Visite de la brasserie de biere Speights....
... guide par Dave, dont les ancetres ont deja travaille dans la brasserie.

Petite vue de l'interieur

et la degustation a la fin. In peut se servir autant qu'on veut... mais seulement pendant 15 minutes.... Certaines personnes sotn arrivees a deguster chaqu'une des 6 bieres plus un verre de ce qui leur a plu le mieux...
Visite de la chocolaterie Cadburies (mon chocolat favorie d'Angleterre)
Ce vehicule est encore en etat de marche.

Malheureusement, on n' a pas pu faire des photos pendant la visite, mais voici un petit avant-gout..

 Ensuite, nous sommes alles sur la Otago Peninsula afin de voir encore des animaux! Une viste lors de l'apres nous a fait voir les Royal Albatros, des oiseaux de plus que 3m d'envergure.

Aussi une colonie de cormorans se trouve dans cette reserve naturelle.

Royal Albatros

La vue vers Dunedin

Ils font toujours la sieste...

Penguin bleu, nain.

Ces penguins sont pas plus grand que 20cm environ. Ils viennent a la plage quand il fait deja presque nuit, on ne voit alors pas grande chose. Ils viennent par groupes depuis la mer (ca faite petite invasion de penguins) et nous attendons qu'ils vont sur la coline, ou nous nous trouvons. Toute la coline fait un bruit phenomenal: Ce sont les petits qui attendent dans les terriers avec impatience l'arrivee des parents. Nous avons croise plusieurs penguins sur le chemin de retour. Nous n'avons pas de lampe de poche, il et tres difficile de les voir. Il suffit de s'assoir et ils passent tout pres. Ils sont super choux!

Vue de nuit sur Dunedin: ' New Edinborough'